About me
Here's my mini resume. See publications for a list of my publications.
Check out daglo. We make the most accurate Korean speech-to-text engine on the planet.
Here's my github.
I am into Discworld, Faker, Vulf, 김광석, chess, and very fresh noodles.
Research interests
- Language models of all sizes
- Hyperdimensional computing, especially in the context of NLP
- Summarization
- Text error correction (ASR, GEC)
- Model diet for embedded systems
- M.S. in Information Science, University of Pittsburgh
- B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University (also in Pittsburgh!)
- 🦅한영외고
Work Experience
- ActionPower (curr.) - Language Team Lead
- OkeyDokey - Co-founder, blockchain engineer, smart contract/mobile/JS developer
- SK Techx (Volo) - Intern iOS developer, Android QA assistant
- Teaching Assistant @ CMU (Mobile & IoT Computing, Principles of Computing)
- In 2023, we won the Korean AI Competition hosted by the National Institute of Korean Language (1st out of 233 teams).
- They basically own the Korean language. They write the rules.
- By my modest estimate, this makes us at least the Beyoncé of Korean language.
- We won it again in 2024 (1st out of 280 teams).
- llov0708@gmail.com